Positively Superior™ Magazine

focuses exclusively on news about business progress, plans and successful projects in Superior, Wis. and Douglas County.It’s all about growing your business, supporting a business-friendly climate and thriving in our local business environment. Positively Superior supports the business community – it puts Superior first.



Magazine Specs
Binding: Saddle-Stitched Magazine Final Trim Size: 8.5” x 11”Live Matter: Keep all live matter (text) 3/8” from all trim edges

Press Ready PDF Files (PDF/X-1a) Images

  • Use high resolution images. 300 DPI is recommended.
  • RGB and LAB color are unacceptable.
  • Images should not have ICC profiles embedded.
  • Avoid scaling images. If you must,  do not scale below 50% or above 110%.
  • Total Area Coverage should not exceed 300%.
  • Avoid using JPEG images.


  • Always embed all fonts.
  • Do not allow font substitutions.
  • Do not use True Type fonts.


  • All transparent objects must be flattened at  a high resolution.
  • Avoid placing transparent objects on top of text or other critical vector objects.


  • Only use CMYK colors; convert spot colors to process.
  • Build documents in Portrait mode without scaling or  rotation• Remember, when bleed is required, provide  1/8 inch beyond the trim area.
  • Do not allow marks to encroach upon the trim  or bleed areas.


For business-to-business advertising contact
Jay, JoEllen or Jim at (218) 724-2734